Podcast 🎙️ Podcast interview on Starship in SvD Ledarredaktionen On Starship with astronaut Christer Fuglesang and Johan Köhler from the Swedish Space Agency. In Swedish.
Podcast 🎙️ Podcast interview on AI pause in SvD Ledarredaktionen Podcast discussion on an AI pause. In Swedish.
Books 📚 I read 106 books in 2022, here are the best five I thought zeppelins was a short-term experiment that consisted of the Hindenburg, and not much more. Boy, was I wrong! A book about airships vs airplanes is the best book of the year. I am as surprised as you are.
The Unmodern World 🗳️ Time to unite the democratic countries of the world To accelerate the positive progress that democracy brings and to reduce the influence and harmful effects of dictatorships, the democratic countries of the world should cooperate in a new organization, an Alliance of Democracies.
Democracy 💸 The Dictator's Handbook and why Magnitsky sanctions could sink Putin Dictators don't rule alone. Use the rules that keep dictators in power and target the group keeping Putin in place with super hard Magnitsky sanctions and we will undermine his brutal dictatorship.
Italy 🍕 We are staying in Italy for five months - part of the Airbnb trend We saw the chance to skip the long and dark Swedish winter and headed for southern Italy. Little did we know we were part of a strong Airbnb trend.
Tesla 🥇 8 reasons Tesla will be the world's largest company — ever How big will Tesla be? Nutty big. Like nothing we've seen before. Here are eight good reasons why.
Books 📚 The five best books I read in 2021 I read 95 books in 2021. Here are the five best -- and bunch of really good runner-ups.
Svenska 📡 Tips till nya digitaliseringsministern: Satsa på Starlink Nye digitaliseringsminister:, Khashayar Farmanbar, borde vända blicken mot himlen. Där finns lösningen till att täcka hela Sverige med snabbt bredband. Nästa år kommer Starlink till Sverige. Svenska staten borde vara redo då.
Svenska 💻 Ett lifehack möjliggjort av Airbnb och internetförtroende Tack vare Airbnb, EU, Duolingo och internet har vi kunnat skippa den svenska vintern och bor istället i södra Italien över vintern.
Svenska 📰 Diskussionen om negativa nyheter på infantil nivå Infantila argument från Värmlands Folkblad i diskussionen om negativa nyhetsmedia visar att förståelsen för vad som är balanserade nyheter är låg inom nyhetsmedia.
Indistinguishable from magic ⌚ Indistinguishable from magic: Calling my wife from the lake using my watch In his third law, science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke said: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." I recently experienced that magic.
Books 📚 How to read a lot of books every year I read over a hundred books per year. It's not as hard to do as you might think. Here are my 5 tips to increase your reading.