⏩ In Expressen: Fast progress is safer than slow
On the anniversary of the open letter proposing an AI pause, I wrote in Expressen about why slow development is more dangerous than fast.
Now it's time to resume the optimistic discussion. Instead of slowing down AI development, we should accelerate it.
The reason is that fast development is safer than slow. When we create new knowledge and make scientific and technological progress, it strengthens our overall problem-solving capacity, which helps us with both expected and unexpected challenges.
Slow development is more dangerous because it leaves humanity more vulnerable to both natural and human-made threats, without the means to stop or prevent them.
DEBATT: Det är trög utveckling
av AI som är farlig
Långsam utveckling av AI är farlig eftersom det lämnar mänskligheten mer sårbar för både naturliga och människoskapade hot, utan medlen för att stoppa eller förebygga dem, skriver Mathias Sundin.