📰 Interview in TN about the AI book
Those who become a modern centaur, a mix of human and AI, have a tremendous opportunity.
I talked to Tidningen Näringslivet about my new book. Interview in Swedish.
– Those who become a modern centaur, a mix of human and AI, have a tremendous opportunity. Take chess, for example. When people started competing together with a computer against another human with a computer, it turned out that amateurs defeated grandmasters time and again. Not because they are better chess players, but because they are better at handling the computer program, he says.
– Together with Harvard, Boston Consulting Group conducted a study where half were allowed to use AI and the other half were not. Those who had AI assistance worked 25 percent faster with 40 percent higher quality. The most interesting thing was that the half who were lowest performing before they started with AI improved the most and almost caught up with the upper half. They also improved, but not as much. Even if entrepreneurs feel they know nothing about AI, there are great opportunities. One can still become a pioneer, says Mathias Sundin.