đ€ Op-ed in Expressen about the AI Safety Summit
World leaders are gathering at Bletchley Park. If they agree on strict AI regulations, humanity will have shot itself in the foot. (In Swedish)

World leaders are gathering at Bletchley Park in the United Kingdom, invited by the PM, Rishi Sunak.
The goal is to start regulating AI. But this is based on yet another tech panic, and not grounded in facts.
"Tech panics have real and serious consequences. Throughout history, we have time and again seen these tech panics, but we never seem to learn.
Now it's happening again. This time, it's artificial intelligence, AI, that's said to harm and wipe out humanity.
Again, open letters are being written with demands for pauses and moratoriums. At the initiative of the UK's prime minister, world leaders are now gathering for an AI Safety Summit.
If they agree on strict AI regulations there, humanity will have shot itself in the foot."
DEBATT: Hotet frÄn AI bygger
bara pÄ gissningar
SkrÀmselpropaganda fÄr riktiga konsekvenser. Genom historien har vi gÄng pÄ gÄng sett dessa teknikpaniker, men aldrig tycks vi lÀra oss. Nu hÀnder det igen. Denna gÄng Àr det artificiell intelligens, AI, som ska skada och utplÄna mÀnskligheten, skriver Mathias Sundin.