📰 Op-ed in SvD on AI regulation and AI pause
AI should not be regulated at all now. In Swedish.

There are three main reasons for that:
- AI has caused few real problems.
- It would slow down vital innovation and risk negative side effects.
- The technological breakthrough is so new and immature that it is unclear what should be regulated.
”Vi behöver inte någon AI-paus” | SvD Debatt
DEBATT. Vi behöver inte bromsa AI genom särskilda regleringar. Den verkliga faran ligger i om vi fattar beslut baserat på domedagsretorik och rädsla, skriver Mathias Sundin.
My op-ed recived a reply from Per Axbom:
"It is not written in stone that the advantages of AI will outweigh the disadvantages. This is why regulations are needed, to ensure a direction that mitigates harm and creates benefit for the majority, not the few."
I thank him for a debate about AI that wasn't about doomsday scenarios. But that doesn't mean he is right, I write in my reply.
"A cardinal error when evaluating new technology is to compare it to a perfect state and not to reality. Per Axbom commits this error regarding several problems with AI that he enumerates."
”AI-reglering blir broms för viktiga innovationer” | SvD Debatt
DEBATT. Ett kardinalfel när man utvärderar ny teknik är att jämföra den med ett perfekt tillstånd och inte med verkligheten. Per Axbom begår detta fel kring flera problem med AI som han räknar upp, skriver Mathias Sundin i en slutreplik.